Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 26, 2024


The Agreement between Zipwage Ventures LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and you governs the access to or the use of Zipwage’s Progressive Web Application (the “Zipwage App”) and any of the products or services that Zipwage provides to you. The person who uses Zipwage’s website(s) or who downloads the Zipwage Progressive Web Application (“You”) is agreeing to all of the terms and conditions for use of Zipwage’s website(s) or the Zipwage Progressive Web Application, as the case may be. The Agreement also provides the terms and conditions for Zipwage’s other products and services offered or provided to You (each individually or collectively, as the case may be, the “Services”), including Your Zipwage Account or electronic fund transfer (EFT) services.
By using Zipwage’s website(s) or the Zipwage Progressive Web Application or by using any aspect of the Services, You acknowledge and agree that You are bound by the terms and conditions of the Terms of Service. You also agree with the terms and conditions of Zipwage’s Consumer Financial Privacy Notice.

Consumer Financial Privacy Notice

Zipwage Ventures LLC provides this consumer financial privacy notice for an individual’s use of the Zipwage Progressive Web Application, Zipwage’s website(s), or any part of the Services (“Zipwage’s Privacy Notice”). The term “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to Zipwage Ventures LLC or to any person that is an affiliate of Zipwage.
For the purposes of Zipwage’s Privacy Notice, the term “You” or “Your” refers to the individual who, primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, (i) downloads or uses the Zipwage Progressive Web Application or Zipwage’s website(s); (ii) applies for or obtains any part of the Services or any other financial product or service from Zipwage; or (iii) uses the Zipwage Progressive Web Application or Zipwage’s website(s) to obtain a financial product or service that jointly is offered, endorsed, or sponsored by Zipwage and one or more other financial institutions.
Zipwage’s Privacy Notice applies to personally identifiable information about You (sometimes defined as “nonpublic personal information”), which we refer to as “Your information.” In connection with Zipwage’s treatment of Your information, Zipwage’s Privacy Notice describes the policies and procedures (including a summary of the relevant security controls) that Zipwage uses when collecting, maintaining, using, or transmitting (or “disclosing”) to others any of Your information.
Zipwage reserves the right to modify any aspect of Zipwage’s Privacy Notice, and Zipwage may make these modifications at any time. In some circumstances, Zipwage may modify Zipwage’s Privacy Notice in one or more ways that may affect the treatment of Your information without first notifying You of those modifications. Please review the “Effective Date” of Zipwage’s Privacy Notice each time you use the Zipwage Progressive Web Application, Zipwage’s website(s), or use any of Zipwage’s financial products or services.

Effective Date: June 26, 2024

For information about Zipwage, or any entity that is or may in the future be an affiliate with Zipwage, in connection with the treatment of your information under Zipwage’s Privacy Notice, please see the section below entitled “Contacting Zipwage.”


Zipwage provides financial products or services to consumers, as well as to corporate persons, such as entities that employ consumers to be their employees. Zipwage’s mission is to provide consumers with tools for greater access and control over their financial health through innovative financial products and services. This includes electronic fund transfer services (EFT services) and the ability to control funds owned or borrowed, including transferring these funds to or from a consumer’s primary bank account. Additionally, Zipwage offers an “Earned Wage Access Payment” which allows employees to access advance capital for a fee against future payments from their employers, as defined in Zipwage’s Agreement with you.

Zipwage's Privacy Practices

Information We Collect

1. Information You provide. We collect various categories of Your information that You provide, either directly or indirectly, to us, such as:

  • Identifying information, such as your mobile telephone number, email address, residential address, and social security number.
  • Employer-employee specific information including your employment status, employer details, and salary information.
  • Financial information, such as details on applications you complete with us, data from transactions you conduct using our Services, including your salary details as provided by your employer or payroll processor.
  • Information from your use of the Services or the Zipwage Progressive Web Application, including location data.

2. Information from devices. When you use a device to connect to the Services, we receive information about that device, including IP address, hardware model, operating system version, and other technical information.

3. Information from financial institutions and payroll processors. When you link your bank account or engage in financial transactions using our Services, we collect information such as account numbers, transaction histories, and information from the payroll processors used by your employer.

4. Information we receive about You from other sources. Zipwage also collects, directly or indirectly, Your information from other sources or persons, such as from persons that act as Zipwage’s service providers. For example, Zipwage may collect and maintain Your information from service providers that help Zipwage to identify You and to verify that You are the individual who is authorized to use the Services.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect to operate, improve, and protect the services we provide, and to develop new services. For example, we use Your information:

  • To operate, provide, and maintain the Zipwage Progressive Web Application;
  • To improve, modify, or develop the Services or Zipwage’s other financial products or services;
  • To protect you, Zipwage’s service providers, or Zipwage from fraud, malicious activity, or other privacy and security-related concerns;
  • To provide customer service to You;
  • To investigate any misuse of the Zipwage Progressive Web Application or of the Services; and
  • To develop new services.

Our Steps to Protect Your Information

We take steps designed to protect Your information that we collect, maintain, or disclose. These steps include maintaining information security controls, such as encryption technologies when transferring data or when storing data, firewalls, and controls over the physical access to Zipwage’s systems. We evaluate the security controls that we use, as well as the controls that our service providers use, for protecting the security and confidentiality of Your information. Our goal is to maintain effective security controls, as measured by relevant industry standards or by independent security auditors, for all of the ways that You can use the Services and other financial products and services provided by Zipwage.

Zipwage may keep Your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information is collected. In addition, for some types of Your information, Zipwage may apply a longer retention period, such as for research or statistical analyses, except when storing or using that information for longer periods of time is not permitted under applicable law. As permitted under applicable law, even after You stop using the Zipwage Progressive Web Application or terminate your account with Zipwage, we may retain Your information.

Our Rights to Disclose and Sell Your Information

Zipwage reserves the right to disclose or sell personal information we collect to third parties that are not affiliates of Zipwage. If you do not want your personal information sold to third parties, you have the right to opt out of such sales. To exercise your opt-out right, please contact us at [email protected]. Additionally, we may share your information with our affiliates, from which you may also opt out. Residents of certain states may have additional rights regarding the sale and disclosure of their personal information. Please review these rights on our website or contact us for more information.

Zipwage discloses Your information to various types of persons as permitted by law, and those disclosures may apply to some or all of the categories of Your information that we collect. For example, Zipwage may disclose all of the types of Your information with Your employer or with Your financial institution, consistent with Your consent or instruction or Your request for the Services.

Zipwage discloses Your information to one or more financial institutions, such as banks or payments companies, with which Zipwage has agreements in place for joint marketing of financial products or services. Under these agreements, Zipwage discloses Your information to the financial institution(s) so that the financial institution(s) and Zipwage may provide financial products or services that jointly are offered, endorsed, or sponsored by Zipwage and the other financial institution(s). However, data that Zipwage collects about You through Zipwage’s marketing activity via a short-code program will not be disclosed to a third party for the purposes of that party’s own marketing.

Zipwage also discloses, or reserves the right to disclose, Your information:

  • With Zipwage’s service providers in connection with the services they perform for Zipwage;
  • If Zipwage believes in good faith that disclosure is appropriate to comply with applicable law, regulation, or legal process (such as a court order or subpoena);
  • In connection with a change in ownership or control of all or a part of Zipwage’s business (such as a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy);
  • Between and among Zipwage and Zipwage’s future affiliates (such as subsidiaries or other companies under common control or ownership); or
  • With your consent (by any reasonable method, including when you orally give your consent), unless you timely revoke your consent.

Zipwage may collect, use, process, or disclose Your information in an aggregated or anonymized manner (i.e., in a manner that does not identify you personally) for any purpose permitted under applicable law.

Your Rights to Request that Zipwage Delete Your Information

Under Zipwage’s Privacy Notice and subject to the conditions outlined below, You have the right to make a request that Zipwage delete Your information. To request that Zipwage delete Your information from Zipwage’s information systems, please send an email to Zipwage at [email protected].

Even though You may make a request for deletion of Your information, please note that Zipwage may not be required to delete Your information that Zipwage collects and maintains. Under some circumstances, Zipwage may decline to honor Your request to delete Your information. For example, Zipwage is not required to honor Your request, and thus Zipwage may retain Your information, in order to:

  • Complete transactions or services for which the information was collected or reasonably anticipated, or provide a product or service requested by You;
  • Help to provide security and integrity to Zipwage’s systems or to the systems of other financial institutions for which Zipwage acts as service provider (to the extent that retaining Your information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes); or
  • Comply with legal obligations, exercise legal claims or rights, or defend legal claims.

Contacting Zipwage

If you have any questions about Zipwage’s Privacy Notice, please reach us by email at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can reach us via phone at (855) ZIPWAGE or send us a letter to:

  • 7166 NW 49th CT.
  • Lauderhill, FL 33319

Updates to the Privacy Notice

Any updates to this privacy policy will be communicated to you through the email address you have provided. Please ensure that your contact details are up to date in our records.

Age Restriction

The Services provided by Zipwage are not intended for, and should not be used by, persons under the age of 18. Accordingly, Zipwage does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under 18, please contact us at [email protected].

Governing Law

This Privacy Notice and any disputes related thereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Dispute Resolution and Prevailing Party

In the event of any dispute arising out of or relating to this Privacy Notice, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs from the other party.